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Why Dealing with Clients in Person Can be Better for Business

With advances in technology now affecting many areas of business, some companies have taken the decision to reduce the number of business trips in favor of virtual meetings.

However, while these online meetings can be a good idea in some situations, there are times when a more personal touch is the best option. Here are some of the ways you might want should use a face-to-face meeting instead of relying on the virtual world.


Assess the Needs of Your Business

Before you think about how you communicate with your clients, you need to see what the needs of your business are. For example, if you are a local business that deals with local clients and suppliers, then this will lend itself more to meetings in person than on a video conference. However, if you deal with companies all over the world, you might already be doing a lot of your business by phone or video chat. While this is fine for minor issues such as orders and schedules, you don’t always want to do this for contract negotiations. You should also be looking at meetings in person for things like new clients and if you are branching into new areas of the world.

Dealing with Other Languages

One way that meeting face-to-face can be of enormous help is when you are trying to negotiate with someone in another language. Even though many people in business will be able to communicate on some level, the nuances that you have with agreements and other contractsmight need more detailed interactions. It could be that you need to hire an interpreter to help you communicate effectively. This is better suited to a personal meeting instead of trying to interpret the interaction across a video screen.

Keeping Culture in Mind

Although business is now part of a global communication system, some countries and companies still hold to traditions that you need to understand and adhere to if you want to create a working relationship. It is important to do your homework andevaluate your clients to see if they prefer meetings to be personal. It isn’t only about how the negotiations are held, itis also about arranging the finerpoints of the contracts. To maintain effective contract risk management, you need to know that the details will be correct and that there is no misunderstanding.

Developing New Contacts

Something that can be difficult to do remotely is to developnew contacts. It is especially important when setting up a new office in another country or a new region of your country. Meeting face-to-face can make things friendlier and more personal than simplyemailing someone with your contact details. It also helps you to assess the person better and find out if they will be a good contact for your company.

There are still many reasons why taking the time and trouble to meet people in person can be more beneficial than setting up a remote meeting.