Travel news, reviews and intel for high-flyers

Have You Visited One of The World’s Most Instagrammed Airports?

Can you believe the #airport has over 12 million tags on Instagram?  

Posting our whereabouts on social media is a trend that keeps gaining momentum. Globehunters has waded through mountains of data to find The World’s Most Instagrammed Airports.

The top spot goes to Incheon International Airport, Korea with over 1.2 million tags – Incheon airport boasts ‘cultural experience zones’, a cinema, and even an ice rink.

With 557,239 tags and in second place is – Heathrow Airport, London.

O’Hare, Chicago shows up in ninth place as the first US based airport on the list. Fifteen airports in the US made the list.

To explore the list in full detail, visit their website.

Have a favorite airport you visit often?  Make sure you post your story and tag the airport to get it included in next year’s results.

by Elizabeth Atkinson