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United Gives $1m Grant to First Place for Youth in Los Angeles

United announces the First Place for Youth will receive a $1 million grant for their My First Place program.  

The organization supports foster youth in the LA region.  The funding will allow high-risk foster youth ages 16 – 24 years old to transition from homelessness to safe, affordable apartments. The organization doesn’t stop there. They also provide training and skills for the youth to compete in the job market.  

“As California’s global airline, United cares deeply about investing in the state’s future,” said United’s President of California Janet Lamkin. “Los Angeles County is home to one-third of California’s foster youth and we are proud to help First Place target growth in high-needs areas of the community, like South Los Angeles, and help ensure California’s youth have increased access to high-quality programs that lead to employment in a wide variety of fields, including aviation.”

“Everyone deserves access to the opportunity to earn a paycheck and succeed, especially our most vulnerable young people,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. “Through our HIRE LA’s Youth program, partners like United Airlines and First Place For Youth are helping our young people find jobs, start careers, and realize their dreams.”

It’s amazing to see what an impact a company can have when it focuses on the communities it serves.  

“We are so grateful for the incredible generosity of United Airlines as they expand their impact in Los Angeles. With this investment, First Place will support more than 650 young people who grew up in foster care, helping them move into their first apartment, make progress in school, and secure jobs that lead to living-wage careers. We believe that all young people deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential in life,” said Hellen Hong, Interim CEO and Chief Regional Office at First Place for Youth.

by Elizabeth Atkinson