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Relocate Or Commute? How To Decide

Inside our personal lives, there is a tension that exists between employment and leisure; work and play; on-time and off-time.

That’s roughly equivalent to where we work, and where we make our home, and these two locations need to be in roughlythat same area toavoid impossibly long commutes. The thing is, sometimes we are indeed faced with a choice: to commuteor to relocate? This article aims to draw a dividing line between when you should move and when you should merelycommute, having weighed up the various variables that go along with such a decision.

Judge the Commute

Let’s first decide whether the commute is even possible, before ruling it out for other reasons. Most individuals would not accept a commute over two hours: four hours a day traveling to and from work is no fun at all. If there are good public transport links, though, and you can read a book, a newspaper, or be on your phone while you commute, then the story might be slightly different. Weight up the pros and cons of your commute and decide whether it’s possible.

Buy a Car?

Instead of buying a new home and moving closer to your place of work, it might be more advisable to purchase your ownvehicle. Itwill entirely depend on the time it’ll take you to commute in your car, and how useful a new carwill be to your life overall. If a car will cut your commuting time in half and grant you a good deal more independence, then that might be the course of action worth following. If it’s an idea that’ll condemn you to traffic jams and road rage, it’s probably best to consider relocating.

Finding a Property

So you’re still undecided. Time to look for properties closer to your place of work. Take a meandering online search through home directories to find whether there’s anything to your taste and on your budget available now. As you’ll know, striking a deal and making a move can take months, so this is in no way a quick fix if you really cannot commute. In such cases, it’s best to rent first and buy later. If you fail to find a property that excites you, you could always monitor the market and commute for the first couple of months of your new job.

Judging the Extra Costs

Moving to a new place isn’t just about swapping keys. It’s also the whole relocation of your life to another side of town, another city or, in some cases, another country entirely. For longer moves, it’s likely to be rather expensive to move your belongings, and so it’s crucialfor you to check out reviews on to judge prices and services ahead of your planned departure to pastures new. Also consider your new wage against your rental payments, mortgage payments, and bills and fees. Don’t make a move you cannot afford.

Hopefully,this guide will have made it slightly easier to make your decision as to whether to commute or whether to relocate to a location closer to your place of work.