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GBTA’s ‘Ready. Safe. Travel.’ Campaign to Bring Back Business Travel

The association’s three-prong program provides materials to grow public awareness of the sector’s contribution to the global economy

The Global Business Travel Association has launched public awareness campaign around the importance of a thriving business travel industry to the world’s economies, and to advocate for a safe return to business travel.

The “Ready. Safe. Travel.” program takes a three-pronged approach: Ready – urging government leaders to implement necessary safety measures and provide resources to save jobs and get business travel back on the road; Safe – provides education and training to its members about steps to safeguard health; and Travel — sharing the story about the value business travel brings to the world economy.

The campaign is providing collateral material which can be shared to engage others in advocacy and education around the mission of bringing business travel back safely and responsibly, according to Dave Hilfman, GBTA’s interim executive director.

Hilfman said that as the largest association representing business travel, GBTA has been telling the story of the industry’s critical role globally to creating revenue, jobs and commerce. He added that the association has also been leading the efforts to get business travel back on the path to recovery, safely and when the time is right.