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American Airlines CR Smith Museum Reopens

The American Airlines CR Smith Museum is excited to reopen its doors and invite guests into the newly designed space.

This is the museums first new look in 25-years and it’s a special one made possible by donations by American Airlines Group, and gifts by PACMIN and Boeing.

“Despite how common air travel has become, many aspects of airline operations still are frequently misunderstood. The redesign takes a fresh approach to explain the inner workings of airline operations and showcases the very people who run American Airlines every day,” said Uli Das, Executive Director of CR Smith Museum. “Our goals were twofold: Establish a point of pride for American Airlines team members and their unique professions, and create a learning opportunity for the general public. Ultimately, the museum’s new focus will generate and infuse more local interest in joining the American Airlines team.”

While donations go along way, volunteers also make this dream a possibility.  Over 300 employees worked in various roles to create the new exhibits.  Highlights include the Airline Command Center – which features a McDonnell Douglas MD-80 cockpit – and a guided tour by an American MD-80 captain.  In addition, guests can get the hands on experience of being a baggage loader – the goal – loading baggage in the shortest time possible.  

Das goes on to say, “We want to give every visitor a glimpse into the roles of team members, and expose students, including many from Title I schools, to career opportunities in aviation that they otherwise would have not known about.”

The museum is located on the American Airlines Campus in Fort Worth Texas and is open from 9am – 5pm Tuesday through Saturdays.  Opening weekend they will be open Sunday as well.  More details can be found on their website at